Ingrid Lässig

Ingrid Lässig
Medical technical assistant (MTA)
Working Area
- Head of laboratory
Technical equipment (Beckman-Coulter)
- Haematology system Coulter ACT 5 diff AL
- Clinical chemistry Uni Cel DXC 600
- Immunochemistry Acess 2
- Laboratory-EDV Remisol Advence
Laboratory examinations represent an important part of daily sports medicine diagnostics. The achieved results provide important results for an appropriate assessment of athletes' and patients' medical situation as well as their therapy. For these reasons a laboratory including innovative equipment with high-tech analysis instruments and a range of available examinations is neccessary.
Key aspects of the institute's own laboratory are acute and routine blood-born analyses in sports medicine. Additionally, the lab analyses hematological samples for numerous studies and projects within our research and teaching schemes.
We are doing about 40.000 single measurements per year, thus regular external controls via determinations of blind samples are conducted according to legal requirements.