Dr. Karen aus der Fünten, MD (Ger), MChiro (UK)

Dr. Karen aus der Fünten, MD (Ger), MChiro (UK)
Institute of Sports and Preventive Medicine
Saarland University
Campus, Bldg B8 2, Room 0.03
66123 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 (0) 681 302 70400
Fax Number: +49 (0) 681 302 4296
Areas of Expertise: Orthopaedic surgeon, chiropractor (MChiro, UK)
Additional medical degrees: Sportsmedicine - Manual therapy
Master of Chiropractic (MChiro, Anglo-European College of Chiropractic/Bournemouth University. Full-time study UK, 2005-2008)
Additional chiropractic degrees: International Chiropractic Sport Science Diploma (ICSSD) of the Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS)
Scientific Areas of Interest
- Football (soccer) injuries
- Injury prevention in football (soccer)
- Hip impingement syndrome
Sport medical/chiropractic support
- since 2010 female junior teams of the German national football association (Deutscher Fußball-Bund, DFB)
- 2010-2021 1. FC Saarbrücken - 1st and 2nd German female football leagues
- since 2008 Olympic Training Centre Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland (GER)
- 2010-2016 German Triathlon Union
- 2009 sports chiropractor World Games in Kaohsiung (Taiwan)
- 2008 Karate NW (Northrine-Westfalia, GER)
- 2008 British Indoor Athletics Masters Championships (UK)
- 2007-2008 Oakmedians Rugby and Football Club, Bournemouth (UK)
- 2007-2008 Littledown Harriers Running Club, Bournemouth (UK)
- 2005 physician World Games in Duisburg (GER)
- 2001-2005 FCR 01 Duisburg – 1st German female football league
- 2001-2005 Yonex Open – International German Badminton Open
- 2001-2002 VC Bottrop 99 - 1st league male volleyball (GER)
Current Projects
- Implementing an injury register for the German football (Bundesliga) based on print media in cooperation with the football magazine "Kicker"
- Development and evaluation of an injury prevention programme in football
- Hip joint screening, focus on hip impingement syndrome (FAI), in cooperation with the German Badminton Association
Finalized projects
- Study on the prevalence of hip joint pathologies (focus FAI) in elite German badminton players (BISp-Serviceforschungsprojekt)
- Development of the “Soccer Injury Movement Screen” to assess injury risk in football players
- Evaluation of the effect of a preventive warm-up programme ("FIFA 11+") on injury risk in veteran football players (funded by FIFA and the German Football Federation; DFB)
- Evaluation of a functional movement screen (FMS®) and its usefulness to predict injuries in veteran football players (funded by FIFA and DFB)
- Evaluation of a functional movement screen (FMS®) and its usefulness to predict injuries in female football players
- Repercussions of a shortened winter break on injury incidence in German professional male football (funded by DFB and the German Football League; DFL)
- Survey in veteran football players on preventive effectiveness, cardiovascular disease and injury risk (funded by DFB)
- Evaluation of a functional movement screen (FMS®) and its usefulness for injury prediction in indoor volleyball
- International multi-center study: evaluation of the efficacy of the “11+ Kids” injury prevention programme in football (funded by FIFA)
Krutsch W, Memmel C, Alt V, Krutsch V, Tröß T, aus der Fünten K, Meyer T. Timing return-to-competition: a prospective registration of 45 different types of severe injuries in Germany's highest football league. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2021 Mar 29. doi: 10.1007/s00402-021-03854-8. Epub ahead of print.
Beaudouin F, aus der Fünten K, Tröß T, Reinsberger C, Meyer T. Match Situations Leading to Head Injuries in Professional Male Football (Soccer)-A Video-Based Analysis Over 12 Years. Clin J Sport Med. 2020 Mar;30 Suppl 1:S47-S52
Krutsch W, Memmel C, Krutsch V, Angele P, Tröß T, aus der Fünten K, Meyer T. High return to competition rate following ACL injury - A 10-year media-based epidemiological injury study in men's professional football. Eur J Sport Sci. 2020 Jun;20(5):682-690
Beaudouin F, aus der Fünten K, Tröß T, Reinsberger C, Meyer T. Time Trends of Head Injuries Over Multiple Seasons in Professional Male Football (Soccer). Sports Med Int Open. 2019 Jan 28;3(1):E6-E11
Beaudouin F, aus der Fünten K, Tröß T, Reinsberger C, Meyer T. Head injuries in professional male football (soccer) over 13 years: 29% lower incidence rates after a rule change (red card). Br J Sports Med. 2019 Aug;53(15):948-952.
Beaudouin F, Rössler R, aus der Fünten K, Bizzini M, Chomiak J, Verhagen E, Junge A, Dvorak J, Lichtenstein E, Meyer T, Faude O. Effects of the '11+ Kids' injury prevention programme on severe injuries in children's football: a secondary analysis of data from a multicentre cluster-randomised controlled trial. Br J Sports Med. 2019 Nov;53(22): 1418-1423
McCunn R, aus der Fünten K, Whalan M, Sampson JA, Meyer T. Soccer Injury Movement Screen (SIMS) Composite Score Is Not Associated With Injury Among Semiprofessional Soccer Players. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2018 Aug;48(8):630-636
Rössler R, Junge A, Bizzini M, Verhagen E, Chomiak J, aus der Fünten K, Meyer T, Dvorak J, Lichtenstein E, Beaudouin F, Faude O. A Multinational Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of '11+ Kids': A Warm-Up Programme to Prevent Injuries in Children's Football. Sports Med. 2018 Jun;48(6):1493-1504
Newton, F, McCall, A, Ryan, D, Blackburne, C, aus der Fünten, K, Lewin, C, Meyer, T, McCunn, R. Functional Movement Screen (FMSTM) score does not predict injury in English Premier League youth academy players. J Science and Medicine in Football. 2017;1(2),102-106
Faude O, Rössler R, Junge A, aus der Fünten K, Chomiak J, Verhagen E, Beaudouin F, Dvorak J, Feddermann-Demont N. Head injuries in children's football-results from two prospective cohort studies in four European countries. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017 Dec;27(12):1986-1992
McCunn R, aus der Fünten K, Govus A, Julian R, Schimpchen J, Meyer T. The intra- and interrater reliability of the Soccer Injury Movement Screen (SIMS). Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2017 Feb;12(1):53-66
McCunn R, aus der Fünten K, Fullagar HH, McKeown I, Meyer T. Reliability and Association with Injury of Movement Screens: A Critical Review. Sports Med. 2016 Jun;46(6):763-81
Hammes D, aus der Fünten K, Bizzini M, Meyer T. Injury prediction in veteran football players using the Functional Movement Screen™. J Sports Sci. 2016 Jul;34(14):1371-9
Hammes D, aus der Fünten K, Kaiser S, Frisen E, Dvorák J, Meyer T. Injuries of veteran football (soccer) players in Germany. Res Sports Med. 2015;23(2):215-26
Hammes, D, aus der Fünten, K, Kaiser, S, Frisen, E, Bizzini, M, Meyer, T. Injury prevention in male veteran football players - a randomised controlled trial using "FIFA 11+". Sports Sci. 2015;33(9):873-81
Meister S, aus der Fünten K, Meyer T. Repeated monitoring of blood parameters for evaluating strain and overload in elite football players: is it justified? J Sports Sci, 2014; 32(13):1328-31
aus der Fünten K, Faude O, Lensch J, Meyer T. Injury characteristics in the German professional male soccer leagues after a shortened winter break. J Athl Train. 2014 Nov-Dec;49(6):786-93
aus der Fünten, K, Cook, J. Case report. Medial meniscus ganglion in a 30-year-old male patient – usefulness of musculoskeletal ultrasound as a cost-effective, non-invasive diagnostic tool. Clin Chiropr 11, 2008: 83-89
Quack, G, Krahl, H, Asmuth, T, aus der Fünten, K et al. Keramik-Keramik-Gleitpaarung als Perspektive bei der Verwendung eines metall-spongiösen Pfannensystems basiert auf 9-jähriger Erfahrung. Orthop. Praxis 9, 1997: 577-587
Meyer T, Faude O, aus der Fünten K: Sportmedizin im Fußball – Erkenntnisse aus dem Profifußball für alle Leistungsklassen. Meyer & Meyer, Aachen 2013.
aus der Fünten K, Faude O, Hecksteden A, Such U, Hornberger W, Meyer T: Anatomie und Physiologie von Körper und Bewegung. In: Güllich A, Krüger M (Hrsg.): Sport – Das Lehrbuch für das Sportstudium. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013: 67-122.
aus der Fünten K, Faude O, Skorski S, Meyer T: Sportmedizin. In: Güllich A, Krüger M (Hrsg.): Sport – Das Lehrbuch für das Sportstudium. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013: 171-210.
Asmuth T, Bachmann J, Eingartner C, Feldmann C, aus der Fünten K, Holz F, et al. Results with the cementless Bicontact stem – multicenter study of 553 cases. In: Weller S, Volkmann R (editors): The Bicontact hip system. Thieme, Stuttgart 1998: 63-74.
Published Abstracts
aus der Fünten K, Faude O, Lensch J, Meyer T. Auswirkungen einer verkürzten Winterpause auf die Verletzungsinzidenz im deutschen Männer-Profifußball. Dtsch Z Sportmed 2011;62:191
aus der Fünten K, Faude O, Lensch J, Meyer T. Injuries in German Profesional Football. In: Roi GS, Della Villa S (eds.). Book of Abstracts of the 20th International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, Bologna 2011, Calzetti & Mariucci Editori: 20-21
aus der Fünten K, Faude O, Lensch J, Meyer T. Effects of a Shortened Winter Break on Injury Incidence within the German Male Professional Soccer Leagues. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2011; 43 S249
aus der Fünten K, Faude O, Lensch J, Meyer T. Injuries in German Professional Football. In: Roi GS, Della Villa S (eds.). Book of Abstracts of the 20th International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, Bologna 2011, Calzetti & Mariucci Editori: 20-21
aus der Fünten K, Faude O, Meyer T. Sind im leistungsbezogenen Frauenfußball kleine Verletzungen prädiktiv für schwere Verletzungen? Dtsch Z Sportmed 2009; 7-8: 182
Meyer T, Wegmann M, Steffen A, Pütz K, Würtz N, Faude O, Such U, aus der Fünten K. Altherren- Fußball: Körperliche Fitness der Spieler und Beanspruchungsprofil während Training und Wettkampf. Dtsch Z Sportmed 2011; 62: 194
Faude O, Wegmann M, Steffen A, Pütz K, Würtz N, aus der Fünten K, Such U, Meyer T. Aerobic fitness and physiological profile of training and match play in 100 veteran football players. In: Cable NT, George K (eds). Book of Abstracts of the 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 2011: 26-27