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Injuries in female soccer players: a prospective study in the German national league." Am J Sports Med. 2005;33(11):1694-700.
"Risk factors for injuries in elite female soccer players." Br J Sports Med. 2006;40(9):785-90.
"Precompetition cardiac assessment of football players participating in the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany." Clin J Sport Med. 2009;19(4):322-5.
"Benefits and limitations of cardiovascular pre-competition screening in international football." Clin Res Cardiol. 2010;99(1):29-35.
"Routine blood parameters in elite soccer players." Int J Sports Med. 2011;32(11):875-81.
"Straight sprinting is the most frequent action in goal situations in professional football." J Sports Sci. 2012;30(7):625-31.
"Injury characteristics in the German professional male soccer leagues after a shortened winter break." J Athl Train. 2014;49(6):786-93.
"Injury prevention in male veteran football players - a randomised controlled trial using "FIFA 11+"." J Sports Sci. 2015;33(9):873-81.