
The use of the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (P & A) in a controlled clinical trial

TitleThe use of the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (P & A) in a controlled clinical trial
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsBandelow B, Broocks A, Pekrun G, George A, Meyer T, Pralle L, Bartmann U, Hillmer-Vogel U, Rüther E
Date Published2000 Sep
KeywordsAgoraphobia, Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic, Clomipramine, Combined Modality Therapy, Double-Blind Method, Exercise Therapy, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Panic Disorder, Psychiatric Status Rating Scales, Running

BACKGROUND: A new 13-item scale has been developed for measuring severity of illness in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia, the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (P & A). The scale has five subscales covering the main factors that reduce quality of life in panic disorder patients (panic attacks, avoidance, anticipatory anxiety, disability and worries about health). The application of this scale in a double-blind placebo-controlled panic disorder trial is described. At the same time, the aim of the study was to compare the therapeutic effects of aerobic exercise with a treatment of well-documented efficacy.

METHODS: Patients with Panic disorder (DSM-IV) were randomly assigned to three treatment modalities: running (n=45), clomipramine (n=15) or placebo (n=15). Treatment efficacy was measured with the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (P & A) and other rating scales.

RESULTS: According to the P & A and other scales, both exercise and clomipramine led to a significant decrease of symptoms in comparison to placebo treatment. Clomipramine was significantly more effective and improved anxiety symptoms significantly earlier than exercise. The evaluation of the P & A subscales revealed that exercise exerted its effect mainly reducing anticipatory anxiew and panic-related disability.

CONCLUSIONS: The new Panic and Agoraphobia Scale was shown to be sensitive to differences between different panic treatments. Analysis of the scales five subscores may help to understand mechanisms of action of panic disorder treatments.

Alternate JournalPharmacopsychiatry
PubMed ID11071019