
Blood born miRNAs signatures that can serve as disease specific biomarkers are not significantly affected by overall fitness and exercise.

TitleBlood born miRNAs signatures that can serve as disease specific biomarkers are not significantly affected by overall fitness and exercise.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBackes C, Leidinger P, Keller A, Hart M, Meyer T, Meese E, Hecksteden A
JournalPLoS One
Date Published2014
KeywordsAdult, Athletes, Biomarkers, Tumor, Exercise, Female, Gene Expression Profiling, Humans, Male, MicroRNAs, Neoplasms, Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis

Blood born micro(mi)RNA expression pattern have been reported for various human diseases with signatures specific for diseases. To evaluate these biomarkers, it is mandatory to know possible changes of miRNA signatures in healthy individuals under different physiological conditions. We analyzed the miRNA expression in peripheral blood of elite endurance athletes and moderatly active controls. Blood drawing was done before and after exhaustive exercise in each group. After Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment we did not find any miRNA with significant p-values when comparing miRNA expression between the different groups. We found, however, 24 different miRNAs with an expression fold change of minimum 1.5 in at least one of the comparisons (athletes before vs after exercise, athletes before exercise vs controls and athletes after exercise vs controls). The observed changes are not significant in contrast to the expression changes of the blood born miRNA expression reported for many human diseases. These data support the idea of disease associated miRNA patterns useful as biomarkers that are not readily altered by physiological conditions.

Alternate JournalPLoS ONE
PubMed ID25010680
PubMed Central IDPMC4092108