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Polymorphisms in the IGF1 signalling pathway including the myostatin gene are associated with left ventricular mass in male athletes." Br J Sports Med. 2011;45(1):36-41.
"Routine blood parameters in elite soccer players." Int J Sports Med. 2011;32(11):875-81.
"Seasonal changes in stress indicators in high level football." Int J Sports Med. 2011;32(4):259-65.
"Benefits and limitations of cardiovascular pre-competition screening in international football." Clin Res Cardiol. 2010;99(1):29-35.
"Echocardiography of the right ventricle in athlete's heart and hearts of normal size compared to magnetic resonance imaging: which measurements should be applied in athletes?" Int J Sports Med. 2010;31(1):58-64.
"Effects of one year aerobic endurance training on resting metabolic rate and exercise fat oxidation in previously untrained men and women. Metabolic endurance training adaptations." Int J Sports Med. 2010;31(7):498-504.
"Exercise at given percentages of VO2max: heterogeneous metabolic responses between individuals." J Sci Med Sport. 2010;13(1):74-9.
"Football to tackle overweight in children." Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20 Suppl 1:103-10.
"Hippocampal plasticity in response to exercise in schizophrenia." Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 2010;67(2):133-43.
"Ventilatory inefficiency in major depressive disorder: a potential adjunct for cardiac risk stratification in depressive disorders?" Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry. 2010;34(6):882-7.
"Lactate threshold concepts: how valid are they?" Sports Med. 2009;39(6):469-90.
"Physical exercise prevents cellular senescence in circulating leukocytes and in the vessel wall." Circulation. 2009;120(24):2438-47.
"Pitfalls in the differentiation between athlete's heart and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy." Clin Res Cardiol. 2009;98(7):465-6; author reply 467-8.
"Precompetition cardiac assessment of football players participating in the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany." Clin J Sport Med. 2009;19(4):322-5.
"Recovery training in cyclists: ergometric, hormonal and psychometric findings." Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2009;19(3):433-41.
"Time course of changes in endurance capacity: a 1-yr training study." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009;41(5):1130-7.
"Exercise and the heart: can you have too much of a good thing?" Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008;40(8):1390-2.
"Exercise-associated increases in cardiac biomarkers." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008;40(8):1408-15.
""Exercise-induced increases in cardiac troponins in endurance athletes: a matter of exercise duration and intensity?"." Clin Res Cardiol. 2008;97(1):62-3; author reply 61.
"Exercise-induced increases in NT-proBNP are not related to the exercise-induced immune response." Br J Sports Med. 2008;42(5):383-5.
"Is it helpful to study a commercial multi-nutrient supplement on exercise performance?" Eur. J. Appl. Physiol.. 2008;103(4):487.
"Volume vs. intensity in the training of competitive swimmers." Int J Sports Med. 2008;29(11):906-12.
"Do inhaled beta(2)-agonists have an ergogenic potential in non-asthmatic competitive athletes?" Sports Med. 2007;37(2):95-102.
"Physiological characteristics of badminton match play." Eur. J. Appl. Physiol.. 2007;100(4):479-85.
"Bicuspid aortic valve: evaluation of the ability to participate in competitive sports: case reports of two soccer players." Clin Res Cardiol. 2006;95(4):228-34.
"Cardiocirculatory and metabolic responses at different walking intensities." Br J Sports Med. 2006;40(1):64-7.
"Characteristics of inline speedskating--incremental tests and effect of drafting." Int J Sports Med. 2006;27(10):818-23.
"Does cumulating endurance training at the weekends impair training effectiveness?" Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2006;13(4):578-84.
"Effects of graded carbohydrate supplementation on the immune response in cycling." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006;38(2):286-92.
"Inhaled beta2 agonists and performance in competitive athletes." Br J Sports Med. 2006;40 Suppl 1:i43-7.
"Reproducibility and clinical significance of exercise-induced increases in cardiac troponins and N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide in endurance athletes." Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2006;13(3):388-97.
"Risk factors for injuries in elite female soccer players." Br J Sports Med. 2006;40(9):785-90.
"The work rate corresponding to ventilatory threshold during steady-state and ramp exercise." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2006;1(3):222-32.
"Altered vitamin B12 status in recreational endurance athletes." Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2005;15(4):433-41.
"An alternative approach for exercise prescription and efficacy testing in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled training study." Am. Heart J.. 2005;149(5):e1-7.
"Ambulatory gas exchange measurements--current status and future options." Int J Sports Med. 2005;26 Suppl 1:S19-27.
"A conceptual framework for performance diagnosis and training prescription from submaximal gas exchange parameters--theory and application." Int J Sports Med. 2005;26 Suppl 1:S38-48.
"Does prolonged cycling of moderate intensity affect immune cell function?" Br J Sports Med. 2005;39(3):171-7; discussion 171-7.
"Independent elevations of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and cardiac troponins in endurance athletes after prolonged strenuous exercise." Am. Heart J.. 2005;150(6):1128-34.
"Injuries in female soccer players: a prospective study in the German national league." Am J Sports Med. 2005;33(11):1694-700.
"Peak oxygen uptake. Myth and truth about an internationally accepted reference value." Z Kardiol. 2005;94(4):255-64.
"Running 8000 m fast or slow: Are there differences in energy cost and fat metabolism?" Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2005;37(10):1789-93.
"Running exercise of different duration and intensity: effect on endothelial progenitor cells in healthy subjects." Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2005;12(4):407-14.
"Are the cardiac effects of anabolic steroid abuse in strength athletes reversible?" Heart. 2004;90(5):496-501.
"Can serum NT-proBNP detect changes of functional capacity in patients with chronic heart failure?" Z Kardiol. 2004;93(7):540-5.
"Clinical significance of increased cardiac troponins T and I in participants of ultra-endurance events." Am. J. Cardiol.. 2004;94(5):696-8.
"Different effects of two regeneration regimens on immunological parameters in cyclists." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004;36(10):1743-9.
"Exercise programmes for patients with chronic heart failure." Sports Med. 2004;34(14):939-54.
"Is lactic acidosis a cause of exercise induced hyperventilation at the respiratory compensation point?" Br J Sports Med. 2004;38(5):622-5.
"Left ventricular dimensions and function in strength athletes. Re: Hartgens F, Cheriex EC, Kuipers H. Prospective echocardiographic assessment of androgenic-anabolic steroids effects on cardiac structure and function in strength athletes. Int J Sports Med." Int J Sports Med. 2004;25(3):241-2; author reply 243-4.