Filter: Schlüsselwort is Competitive Behavior [Alle Filter zurücksetzen]
Bicuspid aortic valve: evaluation of the ability to participate in competitive sports: case reports of two soccer players." Clin Res Cardiol. 2006;95(4):228-34.
"Volume vs. intensity in the training of competitive swimmers." Int J Sports Med. 2008;29(11):906-12.
"Straight sprinting is the most frequent action in goal situations in professional football." J Sports Sci. 2012;30(7):625-31.
"The effect of short-term interval training during the competitive season on physical fitness and signs of fatigue: a crossover trial in high-level youth football players." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2014;9(6):936-44.
"Influence of pacing manipulation on performance of juniors in simulated 400-m swim competition." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2014;9(5):817-24.
"Repeated monitoring of blood parameters for evaluating strain and overload in elite football players: is it justified?" J Sports Sci. 2014;32(13):1328-31.
"Reproducibility of pacing profiles in elite swimmers." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2014;9(2):217-25.
"Return to play after acute infectious disease in football players." J Sports Sci. 2014;32(13):1237-42.
"Return to play decisions - a highly important albeit unsolved issue." J Sports Sci. 2014;32(13):1205.