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Loch F, Ferrauti A, Meyer T, Pfeiffer M, Kellmann M. "Acute effects of mental recovery strategies in simulated air rifle competitions." Front Sports Act Living. 2023;5:1087995.
Beaudouin F, Tröss T, Hadji A, Steendahl IBo, Meyer T, der Fünten KAus. "Do Sports-related Concussions Induce Subsequent Injuries in Elite Male Football Players?" Int J Sports Med. 2023;44(6):454-459.
Reuter M, Rosenberger F, Barz A, et al. "Does Higher Intensity Increase the Rate of Responders to Endurance Training When Total Energy Expenditure Remains Constant? A Randomized Controlled Trial." Sports Med Open. 2023;9(1):35.
Reuter M, Rosenberger F, Barz A, et al. "Effects on cardiorespiratory fitness of moderate-intensity training vs. energy-matched training with increasing intensity." Front Sports Act Living. 2023;5:1298877.
der Fünten KAus, Tröß T, Hadji A, Beaudouin F, Steendahl IBo, Meyer T. "Epidemiology of Football Injuries of the German Bundesliga: A Media-Based, Prospective Analysis over 7 Consecutive Seasons." Sports Med Open. 2023;9(1):20.
Hecksteden A, Schmartz GPierre, Egyptien Y, der Fünten KAus, Keller A, Meyer T. "Forecasting football injuries by combining screening, monitoring and machine learning." Sci Med Footb. 2023;7(3):214-228.
Hansen MGreve, Ross AGeorge, Meyer T, Knold C, Meyers I, Peek K. "Incidence, characteristics and cost of head, neck and dental injuries in non-professional football using 3 years of sports injury insurance data." Dent Traumatol. 2023;39(6):542-554.
Skorski S, Pitsch W, Barth V, et al. "Individualized reference ranges for markers of muscle recovery assessment in soccer." Eur J Sport Sci. 2023;23(9):1829-1837.
Schimpchen J, Correia PFreitas, Meyer T. "Minimally Invasive Ways to Monitor Changes in Cardiocirculatory Fitness in Running-based Sports: A Systematic Review." Int J Sports Med. 2023;44(2):95-107.
Lüder CC, Michael T, Lass-Hennemann J, et al. "Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise training as an adjunct to trauma-focused psychotherapy in traumatized refugees and asylum seekers: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial." Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2023;14(2):2251777.
Ruf L, Altmann S, Härtel S, Skorski S, Drust B, Meyer T. "Psychophysiological Responses to a Preseason Training Camp in High-Level Youth Soccer Players." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2023;18(1):18-26.
Obërtinca R, Hoxha I, Meha R, et al. "Publication Preview Source Efficacy of Multi-Component Exercise-Based Injury Prevention Programs on Injury Risk Among Footballers of All Age Groups: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis." Sports Med. 2023;53(4):837-848.
Peek K, Franchi M, Lemmink K, Balsom P, Meyer T. "Quality criteria for studies assessing the acute effects of heading: results from a UEFA expert panel." Sports Med. 2023.
Bohm P, Meyer T, Narayanan K, et al. "Sports-related sudden cardiac arrest in young adults." Europace. 2023;25(2):627-633.
Arenas L, Frenger M, Skorski S, Meyer T. "Survey of the current practices of German football academies towards biological maturation assessment ." Sci Med Footb. 2023:1-14.
Gärtner BC, Klemis V, Schmidt T, Sester M, Meyer T. "Transient Positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR without Induction of Systemic Immune Responses." Vaccines (Basel). 2023;11(2).
Schimpchen J, Correia PFreitas, Meyer T. "Validity and reproducibility of match-derived ratios of selected external and internal load parameters in soccer players - A simple way to monitor fitness?" Biol Sport. 2023;40(4):1039-1046.
Peek K, Duffield R, Cairns R, et al. "Where are we headed? Evidence to inform future football heading guidelines." Sports Med. 2023;53(7):1335-1358.
Meyer T, Jay O, Altenburg T, Wilson F, Siegler J, Timpka T. "Where have all the reviewers gone? Discussing the importance of the peer review community." J Sci Med Sport. 2023;26(4-5):215-216.
Hecksteden A, Keller N, Zhang G, Meyer T, Hauser T. "Why Humble Farmers May in Fact Grow Bigger Potatoes: A Call for Street-Smart Decision-Making in Sport." Sports Med Open. 2023;9(1):94.
Schimpchen J, Skorski S, Nopp S, Meyer T. "Are "classical" tests of repeated-sprint ability in football externally valid? A new approach to determine in-game sprinting behaviour in elite football players." J Sports Sci. 2016;34(6).
Hecksteden A, Skorski S, Schwindling S, et al. "Blood-Borne Markers of Fatigue in Competitive Athletes - Results from Simulated Training Camps." PLoS ONE. 2016;11(2):e0148810.
Hammes D, Skorski S, Schwindling S, et al. "Can the Lamberts and Lambert Submaximal Cycle Test (LSCT) Indicate Fatigue and Recovery in Trained Cyclists?" Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2016;11(3).
Bohm P, Scharhag J, Meyer T. "Data from a nationwide registry on sports-related sudden cardiac deaths in Germany." Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016;23(6).
Fullagar H, Skorski S, Duffield R, Meyer T. "The effect of an acute sleep hygiene strategy following a late-night soccer match on recovery of players." Chronobiol. Int.. 2016;33(5).
Bohm P, Hecksteden A, Meyer T. "Impact of a Short-Term Water Abstinence on Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Elite Swimmers." Clin J Sport Med. 2016.
Fullagar HHK, Skorski S, Duffield R, Julian R, Bartlett J, Meyer T. "Impaired sleep and recovery after night matches in elite football players." J Sports Sci. 2016;34(14).
Kölling S, Steinacker JM, Endler S, Ferrauti A, Meyer T, Kellmann M. "The longer the better: Sleep-wake patterns during preparation of the World Rowing Junior Championships." Chronobiol. Int.. 2016:1-12.
Poppendieck W, Wegmann M, Ferrauti A, Kellmann M, Pfeiffer M, Meyer T. "Massage and Performance Recovery: A Meta-Analytical Review." Sports Med. 2016;46(2):183-204.
Hecksteden A, Leidinger P, Backes C, et al. "miRNAs and sports: tracking training status and potentially confounding diagnoses." J Transl Med. 2016;14(1):219.
Raeder C, Wiewelhove T, Westphal-Martinez MPhilipp, et al. "Neuromuscular fatigue and physiological responses after five dynamic squat exercise protocols." J Strength Cond Res. 2016;30(4).
Abbiss CR, Thompson KG, Lipski M, Meyer T, Skorski S. "Pacing Differs Between Time- and Distance-Based Time Trials in Trained Cyclists." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2016:1-20.
Skorski S, Skorski S, Faude O, Hammes D, Meyer T. "The Relative Age Effect in German Elite Youth Soccer: Implications for a Successful Career." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2016;11(3):376.
McCunn R, der Fünten KAus, Fullagar HHK, McKeown I, Meyer T. "Reliability and Association with Injury of Movement Screens: A Critical Review." Sports Med. 2016;46(6).
Bohm P, Schneider G, Linneweber L, et al. "Right and Left Ventricular Function and Mass in Male Elite Master Athletes: A Controlled Contrast-Enhanced Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study." Circulation. 2016;133(20):1927-35.
Kölling S, Wiewelhove T, Raeder C, et al. "Sleep monitoring of a six-day microcycle in strength and high-intensity training." Eur J Sport Sci. 2016:1-9.
Fullagar HH, Duffield R, Skorski S, et al. "Sleep, Travel, and Recovery Responses of National Footballers During and After Long-Haul International Air Travel." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2016;11(1):86-95.