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Match Situations Leading to Head Injuries in Professional Male Football (Soccer)-A Video-based Analysis Over 12 Years." Clin J Sports Med. 2018.
"A Multinational Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of '11+ Kids': A Warm-Up Programme to Prevent Injuries in Children's Football." Sports Med. 2018;48(6):1493-1504.
"A Multinational Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of '11+ Kids': A Warm-Up Programme to Prevent Injuries in Children's Football." Sports Med. 2018;48(6):1493-1504.
"Recovery and Performance in Sport: Consensus Statement." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2018;13(2):1-19.
"Soccer Injury Movement Screen (SIMS) composite score is not associated with injury among semi-professional soccer players. ." J Orth Sports Phys Ther. 2018:1-29.
"A warm-up programme to prevent injuries in children’s football: cluster randomised controlled trial. ." Sports Med. 2018;48(6):1493-1504.
"A warm-up programme to prevent injuries in children’s football: cluster randomised controlled trial. ." Sports Med. 2018;48(6):1493-1504.
"Effects of active recovery on muscle function following high-intensity training sessions in elite Olympic weightlifters. Advances in Skeletal Muscle Function Assessment." Advances in Skeletal Muscle Function Assessment. 2017;1:3-12.
"Functional Movement Screen (FMS™) score does not predict injury in English Premier League youth academy football players. ." Sci Med Football. 2017.
"Head injuries in children's football - results from two prospective cohort studies in four European countries." Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017;27(12):1986-1992.
"Head injuries in children's football - results from two prospective cohort studies in four European countries." Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017;27(12):1986-1992.
"Head injuries in professional male football (soccer) over 13 years: 29% lower incidence rates after a rule change (red card)." Br J Sports Med. 2017.
"The intra- and inter-rater reliability of the soccer injury movement screen (SIMS)." Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2017;12(1):56-66.
"Post-match sleeping behaviour based on match scheduling over a season in elite football players." Sci Med Foot. 2017:1-7.
"The effect of an acute sleep hygiene strategy following a late-night soccer match on recovery of players." Chronobiol. Int.. 2016;33(5).
"Impaired sleep and recovery after night matches in elite football players." J Sports Sci. 2016;34(14).
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"Sleep, Travel, and Recovery Responses of National Footballers During and After Long-Haul International Air Travel." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2016;11(1):86-95.
"F-MARC: promoting the prevention and management of sudden cardiac arrest in football." Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(9):597-8.
"F-MARC: the FIFA Sudden Death Registry (FIFA-SDR)." Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(9):563-5.
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"Injuries of veteran football (soccer) players in Germany." Res Sports Med. 2015;23(2):215-26.
"Injury prevention in male veteran football players - a randomised controlled trial using "FIFA 11+"." J Sports Sci. 2015;33(9):873-81.
"Sleep and athletic performance: the effects of sleep loss on exercise performance, and physiological and cognitive responses to exercise." Sports Med. 2015;45(2):161-86.
"Sleep and Recovery in Team Sport: Current Sleep-Related Issues Facing Professional Team-Sport Athletes." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2015;10(8):950-7.
"Injury characteristics in the German professional male soccer leagues after a shortened winter break." J Athl Train. 2014;49(6):786-93.
"Repeated monitoring of blood parameters for evaluating strain and overload in elite football players: is it justified?" J Sports Sci. 2014;32(13):1328-31.
"Return to play decisions - a highly important albeit unsolved issue." J Sports Sci. 2014;32(13):1205.
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"Resting ECG findings in elite football players." J Sports Sci. 2013;31(13):1475-80.
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"Injuries in female soccer players: a prospective study in the German national league." Am J Sports Med. 2005;33(11):1694-700.
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