
5. Symposium Science and Health in Football

We are hosting our 5. Symposium "Science and Health in Football" on the 1st of July 2024 in the Innovation Center at Saarland University. International experts in elite football will present and discuss different aspects in football research. Presenters and topics are:

Katrine Okholm-Kryger
Women´s football medicine - media hypes & its associated data worth discussing


Chris Carling
(French Football Federation)
Inside elite football: An international comparison


Evert Verhagen
(Amsterdam UMC)
Injury prevention: how to translate research into real-wordl implementation


Michel Brink
(University of Groningn, UMCG)
Load & recovery in football: Quantify, relate, intervene


Claus Reinsberger
(Paderborn University & Mass general Bringham/Harvard Medical School)
Heading & head impacts: Understanding the risks of head injuries in football


Julien Periard
(University of Canberra)
Is heat illness risk properly mitigated in football?


Arianna Di Rocco
(Giorgio Castelli Foundation ONLUS)
Sudden cardiac death in football: a match that can be won. The experience of the Giorgio Castelli Foundation


Please register via email (sabrina.forster@uni-saarland.de) until 17th of June 2024.


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Innvoation Center, Bldg. A2 1