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Evaluating the Use of Circulating MicroRNA Profiles for Lung Cancer Detection in Symptomatic Patients ." JAMA Oncol. 2020;6(5).
" Evaluating the Use of Circulating MicroRNA Profiles for Lung Cancer Detection in Symptomatic Patients ." JAMA Oncol. 2020;6(5).
" Evaluating the Use of Circulating MicroRNA Profiles for Lung Cancer Detection in Symptomatic Patients ." JAMA Oncol. 2020;6(5).
"Exercise-Based Strategies to Prevent Muscle Injury in Elite Footballers: A Systematic Review and Best Evidence Synthesis ." Sports Med. 2020;50(9):1653-1666.
"FIFA Sudden Death Registry (FIFA-SDR): a prospective, observational study of sudden death in worldwide football from 2014 to 2018 ." Br J Sports Med. 2020.
"The glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper mediates statin-induced muscle damage ." FASEB J. 2020;34(3):4684-4701.
"High return to competition rate following ACL injury – A 10-year media-based epidemiological injury study in men`s professional football." Eur J Sport Sci. 2020;20(5):682-690.
"Match Situations Leading to Head Injuries in Professional Male Football (Soccer)-A Video-Based Analysis Over 12 Years ." Clin J Sport Med. 2020;30:S47-S52.
"The UEFA Heading Study: Heading incidence in children's and youth' football (soccer) in eight European countries." Scan J Med Sci Sport. 2020;30(8):1506-1517.
"Construct validity of age at predicted adult height and BAUS skeletal age to assess biological maturity in academy soccer ." Ann Hum Biol. 2021;48(2):101-109.
"Does Cold-Water Immersion After Strength Training Attenuate Training Adaptation? ." Int J Sport Physiol Perform. 2021;16(2):304-310.
"Effects of in-play cooling during simulated tennis match play in the heat on performance, physiological, and perceptual measures." J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2021;61(3):372-379.
"Head impact situations in professional football (soccer)." Sports Med Int Open. 2021;10(2):E37-E44.
"Improved Strength and Recovery After Velocity-Based Training: A Randomized Controlled Trial ." Int J Sport Physiol Perform. 2021;(1-4).
"No increased injury incidence in the German Bundesliga after the SARS-CoV-2 virus lockdown ." Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2021.
"Perceived load, fatigue and recovery responses during congested and non-congested micro-cycles in international football tournaments." J Sci Med Sport. 2021.
"Perceived load, fatigue and recovery responses during congested and non-congested micro-cycles in international football tournaments." J Sci Med Sport. 2021.
"Practitioner, Coach, and Athlete Perceptions of Evidence-Based Practice in Professional Sport in Australia ." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2021;16(12):1728-1735.
"Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in a large prospective cohort study of elite football players in Germany (May-June 2020): implications for a testing protocol in asymptomatic individuals and estimation of the rate of underreported cases." Clin Microbiol Infect. 2021;27(3).
"Staying on the ball during COVID-19 pandemic: impact on training modalities in football players ." J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2021.
"Timing return-to-competition: a prospective registration of 45 different types of severe injuries in Germany's highest football league ." Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2021.
"Are Measurement Instruments Responsive to Assess Acute Responses to Load in High-Level Youth Soccer Players?" Front Sports Act Living. 2022;4:879858.
"COVID-19 in German Competitive Sports: Protocol for a Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study (CoSmo-S) ." Int J Public Health. 2022;67:1604414.
"COVID-19 in German Competitive Sports: Protocol for a Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study (CoSmo-S) ." Int J Public Health. 2022;67:1604414.
"International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus statement on acute respiratory illness in athletes part 1: acute respiratory infections Consensus statement." Br J Sports Med. 2022.
"No increased injury incidence in the German Bundesliga after the SARS-CoV-2 virus lockdown." Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2022;142(7):1571-1578.
" "Do Sports-related Concussions Induce Subsequent Injuries in Elite Male Football Players?" Int J Sports Med. 2023;44(6):454-459.
"Epidemiology of Football Injuries of the German Bundesliga: A Media-Based, Prospective Analysis over 7 Consecutive Seasons." Sports Med Open. 2023;9(1):20.
"Forecasting football injuries by combining screening, monitoring and machine learning." Sci Med Footb. 2023;7(3):214-228.
"Psychophysiological Responses to a Preseason Training Camp in High-Level Youth Soccer Players." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2023;18(1):18-26.
"Publication Preview Source Efficacy of Multi-Component Exercise-Based Injury Prevention Programs on Injury Risk Among Footballers of All Age Groups: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis." Sports Med. 2023;53(4):837-848.
"Sports-related sudden cardiac arrest in young adults." Europace. 2023;25(2):627-633.
"Where are we headed? Evidence to inform future football heading guidelines." Sports Med. 2023;53(7):1335-1358.
"Efficacy of a new injury prevention programme (FUNBALL) in young male football (soccer) players: a cluster-randomised controlled trial." Br J Sports Med. 2024.
"Epidemiology of football-related injuries in young male football players. An additional analysis of data from a cluster-randomised controlled trial ." Sci Med Footb. 2024:1-11.
"Physical Demands of Walking Football in Patients With Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases." Clin J Sport Med. 2024.