
Data collection procedures for football injuries in lower leagues: Is there a need for an updated consensus statement?,

TitelData collection procedures for football injuries in lower leagues: Is there a need for an updated consensus statement?,
MedientypJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AutorenMcCunn R, Sampson JA, Whalan M, Meyer T
JournalSci Med Football
Start Page86
Date Published11/2016

In 2006 a consensus statement recommending how football injury data should be collected and reported was published. These recommendations have provided a useful framework for research over the last 10 years. However, many questions related to the underlying methodology of studies concerned with injury epidemiology and prevention in football still exist. This is particularly true for research conducted in non-professional environments. The present point-counterpoint article highlights some of these issues and asks the question: are we in need of an updated consensus statement?

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