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Neuloh J, Skorski S, Mauger A, Hecksteden A, Meyer T. "Analysis of end-spurt behaviour in elite 800-m and 1500-m freestyle swimming ." Eur J Sport Sci. 2020:1-9.
Ledo A, Schub D, Ziller C, et al. "Elite athletes on regular training show more pronounced induction of vaccine-specific T-cells and antibodies after tetravalent influenza vaccination than controls." Brain Behav Immun. 2020;83:135-145.
Ledo A, Schub D, Ziller C, et al. "Elite athletes on regular training show more pronounced induction of vaccine-specific T-cells and antibodies after tetravalent influenza vaccination than controls." Brain Behav Immun. 2020;83:135-145.
Ledo A, Schub D, Ziller C, et al. "Elite athletes on regular training show more pronounced induction of vaccine-specific T-cells and antibodies after tetravalent influenza vaccination than controls." Brain Behav Immun. 2020;83:135-145.
Ledo A, Schub D, Ziller C, et al. "Elite athletes on regular training show more pronounced induction of vaccine-specific T-cells and antibodies after tetravalent influenza vaccination than controls." Brain Behav Immun. 2020;83:135-145.
Fehlmann T, Kahraman M, Ludwig N, et al. " Evaluating the Use of Circulating MicroRNA Profiles for Lung Cancer Detection in Symptomatic Patients ." JAMA Oncol. 2020;6(5).
Fehlmann T, Kahraman M, Ludwig N, et al. " Evaluating the Use of Circulating MicroRNA Profiles for Lung Cancer Detection in Symptomatic Patients ." JAMA Oncol. 2020;6(5).
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Beavan A, Chin V, Ryan LM, et al. "A Longitudinal Analysis of the Executive Functions in High-Level Soccer Players ." J Sport Exerc Psychol. 2020:1-9.
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Stenger T, Ledo A, Ziller C, et al. "Timing of vaccination after training: immune response and side effects in athletes." Med Sci Sport Exerc. 2020;52(7):1603-1609.
Stenger T, Ledo A, Ziller C, et al. "Timing of vaccination after training: immune response and side effects in athletes." Med Sci Sport Exerc. 2020;52(7):1603-1609.
Stenger T, Ledo A, Ziller C, et al. "Timing of vaccination after training: immune response and side effects in athletes." Med Sci Sport Exerc. 2020;52(7):1603-1609.
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Thompson CJ, Noon M, Towlson C, et al. "Understanding the presence of mental fatigue in English academy soccer players ." J Sport Sci. 2020;38(13):1524-1530.
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Beavan A, Spielmann J, Mayer J, Skorski S, Meyer T, Fransen J. "Age-related differences in executive functions within high-level youth soccer players." Brazilian J Motor Behav. 2019;13(2).
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Julian R, Skorski S, Schimpchen J, Hecksteden A, Meyer T. Changes in physical fitness and blood-borne parameters over one season in non-professional female footballers..; 2019.
Schulze E, Clemens C, Nopp S, Meyer T. "Defensive balance in elite football: exploring the development of goal scoring opportunities." Sports Perf Sci Reports. 2019.
Skorski S, Schimpchen J, Pfeiffer M, Ferrauti A, Kellmann M, Meyer T. "Effects of Postexercise Sauna Bathing on Recovery of Swim Performance." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2019.
Skorski S, Schimpchen J, Pfeiffer M, Ferrauti A, Kellmann M, Meyer T. "Effects of Postexercise Sauna Bathing on Recovery of Swim Performance." Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2019.
Beavan A, Fransen J, Spielmann J, Mayer J, Skorski S, Meyer T. "The Footbonaut as a new football-specific skills test: reproducibility and age-related differences in highly trained youth players." Sci Med Football. 2019;3(3).
Beavan A, Fransen J, Spielmann J, Mayer J, Skorski S, Meyer T. "The Footbonaut as a new football-specific skills test: reproducibility and age-related differences in highly trained youth players." Sci Med Football. 2019;3(3).
Thompson CJ, Fransen J, Skorski S, et al. "Mental Fatigue in Football: Is it Time to Shift the Goalposts? An Evaluation of the Current Methodology." Sports Med. 2019;49(2):177-183.
Thompson CJ, Fransen J, Skorski S, et al. "Mental Fatigue in Football: Is it Time to Shift the Goalposts? An Evaluation of the Current Methodology." Sports Med. 2019;49(2):177-183.
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